“Educating each child to live their Jewish heritage with pride and to be openminded, responsible citizens of the World”
The Jewish School of Madrid. Ages 3 to 18.

(+34) 91 650 1229
(+34) 608 27 42 34

On June 18, the graduation of the Second High School Promotion was celebrated in a solemn act organized by the College and the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community of Madrid.
Among family members, friends and teachers, we have the presence of important personalities fundamental to us as a School: Mr. Javier Restán Martínez, General Director of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of the Community of Madrid, Mr. Fernando Martínez, Councilor of Alcobendas Education and Sports, Mr. Alon Bar, the Israeli Ambassador to Spain, Rab. Moshé Bendahan, President of the Rabbinical Council of Spain, Mr. David Hatchwell, President of the Jewish Community of Madrid and members of the current and former Board of Directors.
We celebrate the graduation ceremony of the Second Class of High School 2014/5774

PAU and Graduation 2013